Cautionary note: You might want to skip this post if you are not related to us by blood or marriage. Contains gratuitous parental bragging that might make you not like me.
The Dude surprised me on our recent road trip. To keep him occupied because he had read and re-read all the books in the car (OK - all HIS books, he hasn't gotten interested in books without pictures yet), I started drawing pictures for him to color (not having had the foresight to bring a coloring book). I handed back a very well done Apatosaurus to be luridly colored. A few minutes later, the Dude called out, "Here, Mommy!"
I reached back, fully expecting to give him some (enthusiastic, but not necessarily entirely truthful) compliment upon seeing the page.
For a second, I wondered why he hadn't really colored in the dinosaur. Then it dawned on me: he had written "DiNO" across the bottom. Being a perfectionist already (I am deeply sorry he inherited this tendency), he had scribbled some of it out. We did the game a bit longer, but he got too frustrated, so we stopped.
I decided not to push him, because I really do worry about making him feel that he can't do things unless they are done perfectly.
But this past week, I turned from the computer to find him writing his name phonetically (if not accurately) into my notebook. He then charmingly wrote out "MOME" and "DADE."
I guess we only have to tackle 'rithmetic and then we're done with his schooling.
You drew an apatosaurus while you were driving?
I drew an apatosaurus while the Spozo Maravilloso was driving. (Which was the entire trip to Boise, bless him!)
You were right, I shouldn't have read that.
don't say I didn't warn you.
but i'll remind you that the Dude has YET to pedal. a feat which the Big O has been showing off for many moons now. =)
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