18 July 2008


I'm stealing this from Mikaroni. It's not my birthday soon, so I can't use her incentive, but I still think it could be fun!

1. As a comment on this post, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It’s actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I’ll assume you’re playing the game and I’ll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Mika said...

I've been meaning to clear this up for years. At your farewell party before leaving on your mission, I brought a card. I'd been at the store and seen a card that said "Congratulations on your new reason to smile," and a cute picture of a baby. Honestly, it did NOT occur to me that it was a "Congratulations on your BABY" card - for whatever reason (probably being a blonde teenager), I thought it was just a cute picture and decided going on a mission was a good "reason to smile." Yeah. But I've felt really dumb about it ever since the Romgi brought it up...several years ago.

So, I remember the card very well. And I also remember that it had unintended meaning. Oops! It's the thought that counts, right?

the romgi said...

I clearest childhood memories of interacting with you are mostly from when you babysat us. Sometimes it went really well, like the times when mom and dad left us a thing of Oreos, and we each got a row. Because, hey, three kids and three rows sounds like a pretty good deal to me! Other times it didn't go so well for me. Like when you and Ben made up this story about how I died in a car accident, and then you pretended you couldn't hear/see me any more. Looking back, however, it was pretty funny.

Julie C said...

History of Civilization - when I was lucky enough to meet you and we got to be friends (while we studied for what seemed to be insanely long tests with everything from memorizing the timeline of the big bang theory, learned who was Pliny the Elder, discovered how sex was used as a resource in Lysistrata, watched Man for All Seasons, made all essays fit into exactly two pages, and listened to Jack and Karen and Bill and their totally different lectures - especially amusing when they commented on each others' presentations)

Anonymous said...

I don't know you, but I want to.