19 March 2007

I'm older than I've ever been

I didn't realize that I am so old that when I was little there were no cars. Apparently that was what one of my students told his mom after our Primary lesson (he was quite adamant about it).

He must've missed the part of the story that I was on my mission in another country (where the majority of people do not have cars).

He also missed the part about me getting better with no complications after having surgery in a ... well, not a third world country, but imagine the U.S. in about the 1950's. Put it this way: the entire hospital had one phone; which I was wheeled to in order to convince my parents that I was very much alive and nowhere near dead.

Also according to him, I never got better. This concerns me, because the whole point of the story was that it was a kind of miracle that everything went well. I really hope my other students didn't have such garbled facts to repeat to their parents or my release from Primary is imminent.

Or maybe he really thinks I'm that old and sickly.


Recession Cone said...

...and now you're even older.

Although you should have told me how old you are before we got married! It was quite a shock to discover you predate cars, so I haven't gotten the courage to ask you if you predate the wheel as well...
I can only take so many surprises in one day.

Th. said...


Hey. I wanted to.... Nevermind.

Sposita said...

RC: You knew I was older than you when we married. Older, wiser, and prettier.

th.: In my advanced decrepitude, I have already forgotten it. Whatever it was.

cchrissyy said...

I'm just glad he's listening...
here's another of his partial understandings, from the teacher before his last teacher...

Th. said...


(Quote the TMBG song.)