13 July 2007

Just like Magic!

After laboring like Cinderella after a hard day, the Wife hopes to hear something like:

"Wow! The house is clean! And you washed, folded and put away everyone's clothes! And there's dinner on the table! And the children are alive! May I just say that I am not worthy of you! Is there anything I can do?" and then perhaps get a kiss on the nape of the neck.

What really happens: The Husband walks in, wolfs down the food, then meanders into the living room to collapse in front of the Screen. The next morning, he's getting dressed and he thinks, "Looks like the Laundry Fairy visited again! Cool!"


Mika said...

And yet, knowing that this would be the way things worked, I was *eager* to get married. Luckily Jarom and I get home from work at the same time, so I can say in surprise, "Wow! The dishes are clean!" and he looks over at the kitchen. Then he gives me an "Aren't you swell?" hug and heads over to the computer. Sigh...

Julie C said...

I used to try various hints to tell Dan I wanted help - finally he told me he would rather I just ask because otherwise he doesn't know what I really want. That would be way to straightforward, wouldn't it?

Lady Steed said...


Glad to know that my husband is not alone in this behavior. I must work on accepting said behavior.

Sposita said...

roni: i'm not surprised to discover the Romgi is clueless. He is after all, a guy.

Julie C: yes, asking directly is the best policy. i just feel a little awkward asking for praise on my many accomplishments.

Lady Steed: accepting? wow. you're a better woman than i.

Sposita said...

update: I gathered together various items for the Spozo's lunch today, and he followed the script (adapting to the situation) perfectly!

thank you, dah-link!