07 February 2008

I guess I am bloodthirsty

I just heard on the radio about some parents that actually .... I don't want to say encouraged ... but allowed their son to have sex with his girlfriend in his bedroom. Knowingly!

So now, if the Cita ever wants to visit her boyfriend at his house, I must have met his parents and had a nice cup of (herbal) tea with them while I get them to sign in triplicate that they will neither encourage or consent to our children being alone in a room with a closed door at all. And that if anything does happen, their son will be celibate. By force. Permanently.

Would that provide enough incentive, do you think?


the romgi said...

I think this is pretty common nowadays actually. it is pretty much the reason I am terrified of having a girl because of it. Even when I was in high school, I knew kids whose parents were more than happy to provide them with alcohol and/or a place to have sex. The parents figured that their kids were going to do it anyways, and it might as well happen in a place where they know their kids are safe.

Anonymous said...

I agree you need to know the parents of your children's friends and girl/boyfriends. But don't forget about the Dude. Just because no doors will be closed at your house doesn't mean they also stay open at his girlfriend's house.