30 May 2009

Presents for me?

A couple days after our anniversary, the Dude and the Sita announced as they were getting ready for bed that they were making presents for me. I smiled and said goodnight. Much giggling ensued for a long while after I had cloistered them in their room.

The next morning they presented me with their play oven mitts taped shut and filled with Legos. They had each picked out Legos to make me a specialized "set" for me to make "a creation" with. The funny thing is, I liked the bricks the Sita picked out for me - they were just more interesting for me to play with. They enjoyed watching me make something with Legos, and then they were very possessive of the "creation" I had made out of "their" set of Legos.

I think this project came about because of all the gift giving the Spozo and I did for the anniversary and because my "biography" (I had to give a talk on Sunday and they wanted a little biographical information) had stated I did a lot of Lego construction. To which the Dude stated emphatically, "Mommy does NOT play with Legos!" I will say in my defense that I had said "attended many lectures on Lego construction" - and believe me, I have! I get shown "step 1" and then "step 2" and "step 3,759" of every creation the Dude assembles.

But the Dude was right that I don't often participate in the joys of Lego construction and has now rectified the situation.

1 comment:

Recession Cone said...

So, what creation did you make?