20 August 2007

Thank you, Jesus!

I have heard people say, "Thank you, Jesus!" many times and many places. I never expected to hear it as part of my exercise routine. Maybe I should have been wary when I got the Tae Bo believers' workout, but I really wasn't expecting Billy Blanks to exhort me to shout, "Thank you, Jesus!" whenever I threw a punch.

I apologize in advance to anyone who says,"Thank you, Jesus!" around me. I might just punch you in the face. Nothing personal, of course.


Anonymous said...

Whoa - I hadn't realized, or else I would have warned you. If you think that's surprising, you should have attended RS in one of my old wards!

Lady Steed said...

He makes me giggle while working out, which I think is a good thing.

Sposita said...

jane: don't worry. it's my version.

lady steed: burns a couple extra calories, at least