28 November 2007


During the Sick Days, the Spozo Maravilloso was emptying the car of groceries or trash or car seats or some such thing, and the Dude and Rosita were both wanting to follow him back and forth. I was curled up on the couch trying to forget that everything hurt.

The Cita was quite distraught that Daddy had left her, and was crying in the stairwell. After a while, I noticed that the screams had stopped and I didn't hear her anymore. I assigned the Dude to go look for Rosita and bring her back. A couple of minutes later, he returns shriekingly sobbing that the Cita had escaped out the gate into the Wide World and that he couldn't get her. I try yelling out the window for the Spozo Maravilloso without much success.

My inner Mother Bear takes over at this point and I find the energy to sprint outside and yell at the SM that Rosita has gone missing. I stumble back inside as the neighborhood is mobilized to search for my wayward girl. After watching a couple of minutes of frantic yelling and running around, I hear a voice in the kids' room. A decidedly girly, singsongy babble.

I rush in and find the Cita playing happily oblivious to all the panic her docility has inspired. I call off the search by yelling (successfully!) out the window that all is well.

I try to feel like not too much of an idiot for starting a Search and Rescue operation for someone that is perfectly happy and safe.


Th. said...


Feel better: my parents once called out Search and Rescue (including helicopter) to find me and my siblings when we were right where we'd said we'ld be all along.

Silly parents.

Sposita said...

did everyone else have a more exciting childhood than mine?.... scratch that. i just remembered some highly exciting things.