19 August 2009

Overheard at the lunch table

How did the bee cross the water?
By getting eaten by a shark!

Why did the bee hit the car?
Because it wanted to get stung!

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because it wanted to eat the watermelon!

Why did the car go into the cookie?
Because he wanted to see the eyeball!

Each of these was greeted with uproarious laughter. Because they're all that funny.


Lady Steed said...

I am familiar with this quality of joke. At what age do they begin to understand humor? Because I'm not sure how much more of these jokes I can take.

the romgi said...

I remember a while ago anna started to learn the format of a joke, but not the content of a joke. She would say stuff like, "why did the TV talk to the door knob? Because the hanger was there!" It was funny to see her look around the room and pick which objects would make it into the joke.

The Conductor said...

Seriously, kids' jokes are 10x funnier than the groaners they put in joke books, don't you think? Mostly because of how the little comedians are laughing their heads off right there in front of you. Which is definitely very funny.